Monday, September 17, 2012


Thank god I never have anything going on before 10AM cause I don't seem to sleep anymore. Being in my bed just reminds me of how alone I am. The only time I slept good since the break-up was Friday night due to a good mix of Vodka and hormones. The comfort of being with Kyle mixed with the fuzzy feeling in my stomach (a perfect combination of alcohol and butterflies) and the fact that it was 4AM by the time I got back in bed, I slept like a baby. Me and Kyle are pretty back on track, and Liam's talking to me again, although I'm starting to doubt if I really want him to. I knew he just wanted to get in my pants but I didn't think he'd guilt trip me into it with what happened between me and Kyle. I don't even know what to do at this point. I don't want to have sex with Liam because I like Kyle, but Kyle doesn't like me back and the rebound sex might do me some good. I'm getting over Sean on my own though and I don't want to use Liam just to fast forward through it.

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