Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Isn't There a Superman to Sweep Me Off My Feet?

Every now and then you think you like a guy, and things seem great, and then you take a step back, analyze the situation, and realize that you're so not interested anymore. The problem here is, how do you break the news without seeming heartless? I'm supposed to sleep over Mike's on Friday but I'm not so into the idea anymore. I can't stop thinking about Richard and I know that's bad but I can't help it. I'd way rather ditch Mike, go up to Ashley's, get drunk, and make out with Richard again. Maybe I'll just stop thinking about guys. I'll just be completely sex deprived and alone and not even think about guys in any way other than strictly friends. Honestly, I don't think I have the willpower. I just wanna be drunk 24/7 cause it seems like every time I get drunk I make out with someone. 1) Kelsey 2) Kyle 3) Richard. All of those have been amazing. The only not so great one was Kyle but at the time I enjoyed it so it wasn't too bad. Maybe I'll just become an alcoholic...

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