Wednesday, January 2, 2013

One Of Those Days

Today's been one of those lazy days. Not one where I bum in my pj's and sleep all day, but just a nice, relaxed day. Me and my mom both had doctors appointments today at 2pm and went out to lunch together after, which was really nice because we don't get to do that a whole lot. When I got home, I hung around for a bit then went to the gym and got a really good work out in. Ran 2 1/2 miles and worked out legs, arms, thighs, and a little bit of abs. After that, I came home and cooked dinner for myself while watching Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory ( the original<3 ) because my mom had church tonight and my step dad wouldn't be home till almost 8pm. I ate spaghetti and pizza bagel bites, drank root beer, ate some ice cream, watched some good movies, and did some online shopping. All in all, I had a really good day. I'm really starting to get used to being on my own. I don't need a man in my life to be who I am. I can be happy all on my own because it's the little things that happen every day that get me there. But don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean that I don't want a guy in my life, because I would love to have one. However, I don't want just any one, I want the right one. I don't want a one night stand or another half-assed relationship, I want a guy that will stand by my side and take on the world with me. And if it takes me another 20 years to find him, then I'll wait with open arms.

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