Monday, November 19, 2012

Where Have All The Good Men Gone & Where Are All The Gods?

I don't wanna say I hate having options, because that would be a lie. Nobody wants to be stuck with one choice. But sometimes when we have options, they can both look really good and we don't know which one to pick. Or one could be disguised as something really good, when in reality it's a horrible option. How do you choose? I have no idea if I want to be with Sean or not. I love him, there's no doubt in my mind about that and I know that he loves me, but I don't know if us being together is really what's best for me. When we're together, I can't imagine myself with anyone else and I know that I want to be with him for the rest of my life. But I'm a kid, I don't know anything about what I want for my future so I can say that I want to spend it with him? And when I'm not with him, I think about all the other possibilities that my future could hold. So how do I know what's the right choice? People say, follow your heart or do what you think is right or what's best for yourself but it's not that easy. My heart doesn't have a clue what it wants and my head has no idea what's best for me. Jon says that realistically, chances are if we broke up before we'll break up again, but I think his judgement may be partially clouded. And Kyle say's if he makes me happy then go for it, but Kyle's just a kid. And so is Sean. Do I want to be with a kid who's still in high school while I'm trying to plan my future? Or do I want to find a real man who wants me to be his future?

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