Friday, May 17, 2013

Forever and Always

I can finally say I'm beginning to feel complete with who I am. I was going through a rough patch where I just didn't feel good about myself. Sometimes I feel like everything I do is wrong, like I'm not good for anything, I just fuck things up, and I'll never be good enough for anyone. But Rikki helped me get through that. He makes me feel like I'm worth something. He makes me so happy, but not just like, I'm happy when I'm with him, it's more like, he makes me feel like a better person. I'm so used to being knocked down, but he helps me get back up again and stand a little taller. Plus he's just amazing. I'm so in love with him, with everything about him. So many people are trying to break us apart, or just talking smack about us, about me to him, about him to me, but none of it matters. He's perfect in my eyes, and I wouldn't trade him for the world.
But anyway, this isn't all about him, it's about me too and right now I feel like this huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I'm finally done with this semester and I can just focus on work and enjoying my summer with the most amazing boyfriend. I have no worries right now, other than the typically shit at my house, but not even that can tear me down. 

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