Friday, February 1, 2013

Commitment Issues?

I've come to the conclusion that commitment is simply not my thing. And I don't just mean with relationships, it's with everything. I can't keep friends, boyfriends, jobs, college/career plans, anything. I just can't seem to do it. Like, I'll make a new friend, and we'll be really good friends for a period of time, maybe even best friends. But sooner or later, it ends. I just walk out of their life. And it's the same way with boyfriends. And with jobs, I'll work somewhere for a little while and it'll be really good and then eventually it'll end. I'll make a future career plan, decide what I want to do. I'll stick with it for a little while, and then I'll abandon the idea and find something new. And I do the same thing with colleges. I always have to change things. Change the layout of my bedroom or the decorations on the walls. Change my hair, either cut or color. And now it's tattoos and piercings. I don't know why, but I can't help it. I can't even have a favorite thing for very long. Food, color, movie, band, genre of music, whatever. That's just how it is.

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