Saturday, September 15, 2012


I've decided that I have to stop drinking with guys, cause it never seems to end well. Not only was I left to walk him home at 3AM and stand by while he puked in my neighbors yard, I can't help thinking about the fact that sober, last night probably never would've happened. He may have said he still would've kissed me, but would I have had the guts to initiate if he wasn't so drunk? And even if we had kissed, we never would've gotten as far as we did last night. Does that mean he regrets it? I outed my feelings but he still hasn't outed his. How do I know if he feels the same way or if he's just getting out his sexual frustration? I'd like to get on the same page but I don't want to saran wrap myself around him either. How do I clarify without looking desperate?

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