Monday, October 1, 2012

Brighter Than the Sun

Today has been one of the best days I've had in a while. Last night I started talking to this guy Mike (19, lives in Farmington, plays college hockey, really sweet and fucking cute!) and he's pretty great. He makes me feel pretty good about myself and connect really well. Plus he's so hott! So I had a great night-morning, slept about 6 hours, then got ready for class. Worked with Matt in English, learning about descriptive writing and we wrote a story together. Hung out with him for a little after class, then went home for lunch. Off to math class where I finally talked to that really cute kid with the man sandals that sits a couple rows in front of me! (Jon: lives in Canaan, moving to Torrington, works at Limerock and used to be a personal trainer!) We talked about all kinds of stuff, hit it off really good, then he asked me to sit with him for class so I did, then after class walked me to my car and asked for my number, then 10 minutes later texted me! Stopped at Sean's and picked up the tv, dvd player, and my hoodies. It was a pretty awkward, dead silent, got my stuff and left. Picked up Jess and hit the gym. Saw Ron on my way there so of course he started texting me, and then saw Greg at the gym to talked to him for a little bit. Had a great workout, dropped Jess off, came home to relax and eat dinner and now I'm here. And that about sums up my wonderful day<3